Rachel Dee

Rachel Dee

Chattanooga Family Day Trip: Dayton, Tennessee

Over the past few months, my husband and I have been trying to find a bit of margin in our lives – to have time to read the fiction book, or bake that loaf...

My Favorite Apps for Photo Storage

If you’re like me, many of my kiddo's everyday events and milestones are captured on my iPhone camera. As much as I want to break out my nice camera and capture them professionally, my...

To the Parents of a College Freshman

Each fall, colleges gear up for one of the biggest days of the year: New Student Move-in Day. Where I work, this means the college comes alive again. Dorms light up, athletic fields are...
Money and Marriage: Simple Thoughts From a Tightwad’s Wife

Money and Marriage: Simple Thoughts From a Tightwad’s Wife

When I married my husband almost eight years ago, I knew that there would be many differences that would come to light in those first few weeks. We would have wrong expectations about an...
How I Added an Hour to My Morning

How I Added an Hour to My Morning

If you’re like me, having a child has changed just about every aspect of your life. The size of your car, the amount of hours you sleep, and no doubt the kind of cereal...

Lessons Learned From Mom Guilt: When Staying Home Isn’t an Option

Recently my son Jack took his first steps. He had taken a few here or there, but these were the first that weren’t just "controlled falling." I felt a lot of the same emotions...